Hortech LiveWall System

Hortech LiveWall System
Hortech, a nursery company and inventor of the LiveRoof hybrid living roof system has developed LiveWall, a next-generation living wall system, also known as a 'vertical' greening system.
Living Walls: A Primer
What is a living wall, and why should a green homeowner consider incorporating them into the design of a home? There are many benefits to living walls, including:The Natural Beauty of Plants
A beautiful, planted wall creates a relaxing environment and increased exposure to nature with a completely natural, organic alternative to traditional siding products. The plants create a pallet of colors and textures year-round, and looks good even during dormant periods.The Environmental Benefits of Plants
The plants in a living wall help mitigate the 'urban heat island' effect. The plants help to cool surrounding air, slow air movement, and help to filter and clean the air.Noise Reduction
The plants and materials that create the living wall environment are excellent noise insulators. The plants, soil, and even the air in the soil can reduce indoor noise by as much as 40 decibels.
Shade Wall
Habitat Creation
Unlike traditional siding materials, the plants and soil of a living wall create habitat for birds, butterflies, and other animal life. The plants can also be used to benefit another animal species: us! Herbs and vegetables can be incorporated into living walls, making them extra beneficial.The Trouble With Living Walls
Using plants to cover walls is not a new idea, but creating a living wall that thrives without lots of maintenance is. The horticulturists at Hortech examined living walls to see what they do wrong, then created a new system that corrects all of these issues. Most living wall systems require plants to grow sideways, and require water to trickle down through the walls' compartments and through the soil. These growing environments create stresses on the plants, and waterlogged, oxygen-depleted soils. The result? Unhealthy plants and a perfect environment for fungal growth and nutrient leaching.
The LiveWall Difference
The Hortech LiveWall system is designed to create a healthy living environment for plants, and a beautiful wall covering for homeowners.-The LiveWall system is designed to be easy to install and simple to maintain. The unique WallTer wall planters, mounted on an aluminum VertiRail and RainRail mounting/irrigation system, allow the plant to grow the way nature intended, with their roots growing downward and their stems growing up.
The plants can be grown onsite from seed or transplant, or offsite at a greenhouse and transported fully-mature to the site. It can be installed by licensed LiveWall growers, or by do-it-yourselfers.
-The LiveWall system allows for simple and unlimited design choice with the help of a unique electronic design tool. The LiveWall can be designed for any wall of almost any size.
-The plants that call the LiveWall home grow in an environment where they can thrive with minimal maintenance. The LiveWall system is easy to water and fertilize, without the soil erosion common to other types of living wall designs. The LiveWall system also allows for superior air-flow behind the system for plant health.
Types of Plants
Hortechs' LiveWall system can be used with a wide variety of plants including perennials, annuals, herbs, vegetables, sedums and succulents. The homeowner has nothing to limit them but their imagination. The local LiveWall grower can work with the homeowner to choose the right variety of plants for the homes' climate and the owners' design choices.The wide choice in plants allows for a wide variety of colors, textures, even scents.

Edible Wall
Further LiveWall System Options
Hortech has taken their original LiveWall system and adapted it to a variety of different uses, including:- LiveScreen: A mobile version of LiveWall, excellent for growing plants and creating privacy in smaller areas like patios and decks. Those who wish to garden without the need to crouch or be on the ground can benefit from LiveScreen and its portable, upright design.
-LiveFence: A freestanding fence application that uses the LiveWall components to create property borders or privacy screens. LiveFence can be installed on pressure treated fence posts or panels.
LiveWall and the Green Home
For green homeowners who wish to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and efficiency, the LiveWall system is an excellent choice. Installing a living wall can contribute LEED points to any home, and the beauty of the wall will compliment any home style, indoors or out.
For more info on theHortech LiveWall system, visit their website: http://livewall.com/
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